EURIADE project “Youth in Dialogue”

“Youth in Dialogue” is a project forming an essential highlight during the International Festival of (the) Dialogue EURIADE.

During a period of about ten days roughly 90 young people meet (each other), coming from all over the world, from most different cultures, religions, social backgrounds, most different political systems.
They are between 15 -18 years of age.
They come from Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, Romania, Austria, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Hungary, Serbia, Russia, South Africa, Poland, the Philippines …
Realising together the dialogue with each other…
They also meet politicians, entrepreneurs, disabled people, monks, dying people, artists, the awardee of the Martin Buber-Plaque.
In short the OTHER …

Fortunately, we have many supporters of this important project, where young people learn to realize and appreciate( ) humane (.) values like respect, responsibility, patience, solidarity, friendship!
We all know that a humane society can only be built by (a) true dialogue.

With kind regards

Dr. Dr. Werner Janssen M.A.
Chairman of Stichting Euriade, resp. EURIADE e.V.
Director of the EURIADE

Patroness & Patrons
Sabine Verheyen, (Aachen) Member of the European Parliament
Emile Roemer, Governor of the Province of Limburg, Commissioner of the King of the Netherlands 
Oliver Paasch, (Eupen) Prime Minister of the German-speaking Community of Belgium

"Voice" of a student

When I hear the word Euriade feelings and expressions like unity, freedom, dialogue, conversations, trust and many more are deeply felt by my heart. What a week it has been – meeting new people, visiting the most beautiful places and most important of all- learning and observing our world and the people all over the world. No money can buy this knowledge…
Mieke Kleynhans, Ben Viljoen Höerskool (South Africa)

Programm(e) Youth in Dialogue – 15.-24.11.2024
Programm(e) Youth in Dialogue – 18.-25.11.2023
Video of youth in dialogue 2023
Programma 2023 – Youth in dialogue
Impressions YiD Nov. 2022
Verleihung der Martin Buber-Plakette

Become a "friend of the EURIADE" or pattern of "Youth in Dialogue"!

If you are interested in becoming, besides and above all, WITH a lot of OTHERS “friend” or “partner” of the EURIADE or “Patron” of “Youth in Dialogue”, you are welcome to register using the attached form (below) or call for a conversation in this regard.