Program "Youth in Dialogue – 10.-17.06.2023"

‘Seeing through the eyes of the other …’

Speaking in the words of the other …
Walking with the legs of the other …
Hearing with the ears of the other …
Touching with the hands of the other …
Thinking with the thoughts of the other …
Feeling with the emotion of the other …

As you can see above, the OTHER is central in these ‘activities’, which could be seen as means and tasks for the realization of real dialogue, of truthful conversation!
In a conversation between two people, one responds to the other by listening to him. We are talking about an
ENCOUNTER BETWEEN YOU and ME, which connects these two for the moment of this conversation and hopefully ever lasting. And in this connection you just feel HAPPY.

With heartfelt greetings,
the EURIADE-Team: Danuta, Ben, Berry, Joep, Martin, Nino and Werner