More feeling, less hardness
Sabine Rother presented Werner Janssen’s new book “From Encounter to Encounter. A Pedagogy of Emotions” under the above title. She writes:
“Janssen counters the calls for tougher discipline of young people who are often violent and aggressive with his “Pedagogy of Emotions”. He provides parents and teachers, many of whom are on the verge of burnout, with a quiet, intense new look at the strengthening effect of emotions as the most essential foundations of life.”
She concludes by commenting:
“This work is both a multifaceted reader with stories and poems, and a textbook with questions such as “What would you, as a student, recommend to schools?” It gives teachers tips on how to communicate with their classes. A work of insights and views in which parents, students, teachers and school leaders can find something good.”
The entire review can be found at the following link: